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4/20/2022 There was a problem with the system being unable to send emails. This has been fixed.

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This is a list of Home Heating Oil prices for a selection of companies from the Dutchess County, NY area.

This information is compiled by users of this system, not by me, and I make no claim to its correctness. But if everybody plays nice, this can be a useful system. So play nice.

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided "as is". The author, publishers and marketers of this information disclaim any loss or liability, either directly or indirectly as a consequence of applying the information presented herein, or in regard to the use and application of said information. No guarantee is given, either expressed or implied, in regard to the merchantability, accuracy, or acceptability of the information.
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The history of Westchester Heating Oil Prices.
A long time ago, somebody in the county of westchester government posted a web page that was the result of a survey of some home heating oil supply companies local to the Westchester County area.

That page was located here:

If you read that page they say "The Department of Consumer Protection is no longer conducting it's home heating oil price survey." Which is too bad, because it was a valuable resource. I called them up and asked them why and I forgot what they said, but I'm sure it had something to do with budgets. But they were kind enough to give me a list of data from their most recent survey which was from December 12, 2011.

It is from that list that I seeded the data for this website.
And now it is up to you (and me) my fellow local area dwellers to contribute to the cause to supply the web viewing public with up to date information about oil prices from various companies.

For my effort I'm supplying and maintaining this web site and allowing anybody to update it as they find more information and prices. You can add new oil companies if you know of them, and update prices if you find out about them. The information I started with from 12/12/2011 is obviously stale, but it serves as a starting point from which people can update.

At the moment, it's a free for all, which means anybody can come along and make a mess. Please don't. If the need arises, I will add a voting system so other users can vote up or down user's contributions and if you get voted down a lot, I'm not going to accept information from you.

Let's all play nice. It works for wikipedia (mostly), so there's no reason it can't work here for everybody's benefit.

And if it's not obvious, I have no web design skills. If you do and you'd like to spruce up some of these pages, please get in touch with me:

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